Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hair Growth

Lets talk hair.   It appears that hair growth is influenced by the health of the scalp and hair.  There appear to be changes in the skin in areas of hair thinning in women and men.  We have seen that hair grows better in healthy scalp skin than in scarred areas.  These are extreme cases but it suggests that minor changes to the scalp skin can affect hair growth.


Several observations that would suggest that the scalp in analogous to topsoil.  That is, the thicker the topsoil the better the grass will grow and this maybe the case in the scalp.  Healthy scalp skin with a normal thickness of the epidermis and dermis will improve hair growth and/or decrease hair loss.  The causes of thinning scalp skin include sun damage, poor hair care products, poor nutrition, and hormones.   


It is a myth that hats make your hair fall out, instead they provide great sun protection.  Rx Systems PF Volumizing  Glycolic Shampoo and Volumizing Glycolic Conditioner improves scalp skin thickness and hair growth. 


Nutrition plays a role in healthy scalp skin and hair shaft growth. Scalp skin and hair are composed of protein.   To avoid unhealthy dietary changes it is more efficient to take a multivitamin and an amino acid supplement.  Scalp skin and hair grow on a daily basis. A healthy scalp can make your hair its everyday fabulous.   

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