Thursday, March 26, 2009

Effective Anti-Aging: It Takes Two

We've all heard the saying, "You're only as young as you feel."  While I agree with this statement, I also believe that the younger you look, the younger you feel.  A good anti-aging routine can be the the key to more youthful looking skin and, as a result, a younger feeling you.

Let's start with the most obvious, but overlooked anti-aging strategy, which is your lifestyle.  Your skin is a reflection of your body's general health.  Many things that contribute to the aging process can be improved by changing your lifestyle.  For example, reduce excess sun exposure, increase physical activity, stop smoking, eat a well-balanced diet, drink lots of water, and get  little more shut-eye.

Additional anti-aging benefits can be achieved through products for skin and hair.  Anti-aging skin products aim to rejuvenate, restore, and repair the skin, improve the moisture content of the skin, and decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.  The most effective anti-aging program takes a two-pronged approach: prevention and repair.

The Rx Systems PF Rejuvenating Program uses scientifically advanced ingredients to renew and restore the skin's function, thereby preventing many of the negative changes associated with aging and sun-damaged skin: rough skin texture, flaking, dryness, poor skin tone, dilated pores, discoloration, brown spots, fine lines, and wrinkles.

The Rx Systems PF Reparative Program is designed to repair cell damage and to rebuild skin cells, reversing the signs of sun-damaged and aging skin, resulting in smoother skin texture, improved skin tone, decreased pore size, improved skin color, and a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

The active ingredient in both of our programs is Glypoic Complex (Glypure-L and alpha lipoic acid), retinol, and soluble collagen in propriety formulations.

The unique combination of glycolic acid and alpha lipoic acid in my Glypoic Complex stimulates cellular growth and repairs damaged skin cells, while neutralizing free radicals that can damage cells.  Rx Systems PF products that contain Glypoic Complex are the only products in the industry that combine the effectiveness and stability of reparative ingredient and a rejuvenation ingredient in one product.  This breakthrough uses real science to deliver real results.

Although aging is a natural process, we don't have to age so quickly and we definitely don't have to look our age.  With smart lifestyle choices and today's scientifically advanced skin and hair care products, we can all feel younger and "Everyday Fabulous."

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